Here’s a list of acronyms you may see within the AgRA community. Do you want an acronym added to this list? Please email.
- AgRA Agricultural Robotics and Automation (Technical Committee of, this group)
- ASABE American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
- CFP Call for Papers
- CIGR International Commission of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (original meaning, in French: Commission Internationale du Génie Rural. The meaning has shifted over time.)
- CGIAR no longer stands for its original acronym, now “CGIAR Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers”.
- CVPR Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- CVPPP Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping
- ECPA European Conference on Precision Agriculture
- EFITA European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment
- EurAgEng European Society of Agricultural Engineers
- FIRA Forum International de la Robotique Agricole (English: International Forum for Agricultural Robotics)
- ICLR International Conference on Learning Representations
- ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation
- ICT Information and Communication Technology
- IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control
- IP Intellectual Property
- ISHS International Society for Horticultural Science
- IROS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
- IPPN International Plant Phenotyping Network
- RAS Robotics and Automation Society (of IEEE)
- ROS Robot Operating System
- RFP Request for Proposals
- RSJ Robotics Society of Japan
- RSS Robotics: Science and Systems (an annual conference)
- SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering
- TBA to be announced
- TC technical committee
- WACV Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
- WCCA World Congress on Computers in Agriculture
Last update April 5, 2022.